Gracias a Chile
7.14.2015 Tuesday I've been back in the United States for over two weeks. I miss Chile, but it's easier now. Just like I had a life there, I have a life here too. However, everyday something reminds me of what I left behind in South America and my soul yearns to return. The people, the culture, the environment, it all taught me so much and gave me something so invaluable. Yet, when I look ahead to my year in Peru, my chest becomes heavy and my heart races. A new unknown, a new adventure, awaits me and that's almost... paralyzing. I know I can do it. Chile proved that to me. It will be scary at first, but Peru will change my life, will make me a better person, will teach me more than Chile probably did. One of the many joys of travel is the powerful emotions that consume you before, during, and after your voyage; my hesitation is but a requirement to attain a truly human experience. Yeah, I'm scared, but I'm ready to see where my life is headed. Five weeks was ...