A Peruvian Thanksgiving

11.28.2015 Saturday Feliz dia de la accion de gracias! Even if it was already two days ago, I still have so much to be thankful for, especially in this last year. Last year, on the eve of my 20th birthday, I made a Birthday Bucket List. It was the first one I'd ever made, but this year I continued the tradition. As I wrote my new BBL, I looked back at the old one for the first time in many months. Without my knowledge, I (at least halfway) fulfilled a majority of my wishes: eat healthy exercise read God's Word step out of my comfort zone make a difference in someone's life be the type of person I admire meet new people travel take lots of photos (that aren't selfies) put others first study hard journal Granted, some of them I didn't complete in ways I imagined or in the time frame I wanted to, but that's the funny thing about life - it runs on it's own schedule. Heck, nearly all of my goals are things I still strive to achieve...