Beyond Bliss

5.10.2016 Tuesday Tick tock... Tick tock... Only two days until I land in Denver! Frankly, as I write this, I am finding it incredibly difficult to focus. For one, this past week has been the adventure of a lifetime. I cannot even begin to comprehend how blessed I was to have such an amazing time in Cusco. Moreover, while I am still beaming from ear to ear as I ponder those eight days of traveling, I am bubbly and giddy as I think about flying home to Colorado tomorrow night! My heart is bursting; I am beyond euphoric. I know life is going to have its ups and downs, but I am so unbelievably high on life right now - I praise God for that and I ask him that he fills my heart with nothing but love and thanksgiving for him and his wisdom when the lows do come. So how did those eight days create such a gleeful spirit within me? Oh my friends, Cusco, Peru has won my heart. It was an inexplainable eight days. Truly, I could tell stories and talk about...