What Goes Up...

3.29.2016 Tuesday Promise I'll keep this one short, seeing as I really don't have much to say! After two weeks of exploring southern Peru (read all about those adventures in my last blog post: Call Me Dora the Explorer ), returning to a quiet life in Callao has been a tad difficult. More than anything, I think about home now more than ever... only 44 days, 22 minutes, and 18 seconds until I'll be landing at Denver International Airport! So, naturally, I was excited for a bit of excitement and distraction, something I thought that Holy Week and Easter would bring. Boy, was I wrong. Coming back from vacation meant that it was finally time to head back to a regular teaching schedule as students had begun a new academic year while we were away. Reminder: seasons are reversed in the southern hemisphere so we just finished summer and started fall. No, fall does not mean boots and sweaters and pumpkin spice everything in Peru. It's too warm and we don't have...