Life is Life

8.25.2015 Tuesday Week one: check. Cheers to many more to come. Surprisingly, I survived the first week with few crazy stories and embarrassing moments. Though I'm sure that will all change with time. Honestly, my life is a bit mundane and low key so I can't promise that I'll be updating my blog too often. Unlike my non-stop life in Chile, here I don't have as many activities and trips planned which means day-to-day I don't have much to write about. Not yet anyways. That's alright. Some down time is much appreciated. During my first week, school days have been pretty consistent. I wake up in the morning, eat breakfast at Daniel's, teach from 8;45 to 1:45, and then return to Daniel's for lunch. In the afternoons Kelsey and I lounge around the apartment, swim, workout to online exercise videos with Jillian Michaels, and/or, like today, walk around Callao, our neighborhood. I've been thinking about attempting to do some self-studyin...