Don't Look Forward

10.22.2015 Thursday Hello friends! All is well in South America! Though I still feel as if I’m dreaming, my Peruvian life is starting to feel more and more real every day… But I still often need to remind myself that I’m living in a foreign country – takes my breath away every time! It’s been over a month since I last wrote and I feel the need to explain. So, why haven’t I written? To be completely honest, I’ve been somewhat avoiding it for various reasons. On the one hand, I have been busy… in the mornings at least! Every day I teach three to five English classes. For all but two of my classes, I walk into the room when the bell rings, am handed a book and markers, and told to start teaching. Constantly I’m kept on my toes because I can never properly prepare lesson plans. Instead, plans I’ve never seen before are thrown at me and I must present grammar and vocabulary on a whim in a way that the students will remember. Needless to say, this proves frustra...