I'll Be Home for Christmas

12.21.2015 Monday


Unless you have been following my updates on social media (you can follow me at nikiki_94 on Instagram and Twitter), you probably didn't realize that I am no longer in Peru. 

That's right. 
I'm back in Colorado, U.S.A. for the whole month of Christmas!
Frankly, I knew I was flying home since August. Originally I had bought tickets to come back from December 18 to January 3. However, in October, I was informed of some wonderful news: schools in our district of Peru would not be having English classes for the full month of December! 

At first, I was heart-broken. I thought I had missed out on an opportunity to see friends and family for a longer period of time. I called my mom that night and tried to fight back the inevitable tears. But moms are pretty smart (something she seems to remind me of constantly) and she immediately suggested that I reschedule my flight. Due to the extra vacation time, Kelsey was able to fly home as well and we both booked tickets, albeit on separate airlines, that brought us home on the morning of December 2. We were ecstatic to say the least. For several nights leading up to our departure, it was nearly impossible to sleep. I love what I'm doing and who I am with in Peru, but it sure is hard to be so far away from friends, family, and familiarity. 

I tried to maintain a bit of secrecy about my trip home. Family members already knew I was coming home, but many did not know I would be back so soon. Unfortunately, due to chaotic schedules and the unpredictability that is life, I was only able to surprise my brother. It was totally worth it.
First legal drink in the U.S.A? Bottomless wine with the fam bam.

Concerning friends, I also spilled the beans to most of them which proved to be incredibly fun anyway, since many didn't think I would be home at all for the holidays. I was still able to surprise a couple of friends and then head to Denver's Parade of Lights. Though the execution of my surprise ran into a few bumps along the way, it was still awesome to see them!
All-in-all it's been an unbelievably fantastic, superbly wonderful, undoubtedly incredible time at home that I wouldn't trade for the world. I've embraced 21, attended Christmas events, made homemade beer, gone to a Nuggets' basketball game, seen The Addams Family Musical, and loved every precious moment I've had with my crazy family and weird friends.
I hope these next few weeks don't fly by like the first two and a half did... It is just too good to be home.


"There's no place like home." 
- Dorothy, The Wizard of Oz

Mi familia... mis amigos... mi hogar... mi corazon.


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