A Full Plate

I'm currently eating my weight in pasta. I think that truly embodies my first week in Argentina. Okay, maybe the quantities aren't as loco as some of the other places I've been, but man, I forgot how much South Americans eat. But, hey, I'm already missing out on quite a bit of swimsuit season in the United States so, really, does it matter? I type as I swirl more noodles onto my fork. I mean, it's not like I ever had a beach bod to begin with... I chew slowly, and a new thought crosses my mind. I wonder how much pasta one can eat before literally going into a food coma? I dive my fork back into the pile of saucy noodles, stir, and bring a still-warm lump up to my mouth. Yum. Since I'm already thinking about food, and stuffing my face with it, let's talk about food! Buenos Aires is pretty rad for a lot of reasons, but one of them is its gastronomy. If you've never heard the word gastronomy before, Google is your friend. Also, now tha...