The City

How have I already been here for three weeks?

Every day I fall more in love with this humming city. I feel like the Carrie Bradshaw of South America - except with worn brown ankle high boots and messy dreads instead of Louboutins and 80s-sized curly hair. 

As I wind through the hustle of the streets, I know with each corner that I turn I'll encounter fresh murals on brick walls, singers dressed as if they were performing for a packed stadium, and the click-clack of shoes as people zig and zag to arrive at destinations I can only imagine. 

The bustle is exhilarating. 

The artwork of the architecture and the streets is fascinating. 

The way of life is alluring. 

I may not have much free time to work on personal projects, but I have so many memories. With only two weeks left, I already know that when I fly back to the United States, a piece of my heart will remain in Buenos Aires. The city is gently winning my love day by day. 

I've done so much since I last posted. I don't even know where to begin. 

I've seen museums and markets. I've gone to art exhibits and tango shows. I've visited a gaucho ranch and numerous districts. I've ridden in taxis and on horses. I've eaten out-of-this-world pizza and perfectly cooked steak. I've sipped on local beers and wines. I've laughed to the point of tears with teachers and with friends. I've strolled through a hauntingly gorgeous cemetery. I've wandered the halls of a building that housed a darker part of Argentina's history. I've been swallowed up by the skyscrapers surrounding me for a spontaneous photo shoot when the sunlight was falling perfectly.

I've lived.

I've laughed.

I've loved.

This place... it's everything.

I have so much to say, but I can't form the words. This country is diverse and breathtakingly beautiful. The city is indescribable and my memories are treasures I can't easily give away. It's a magic of my own, moments I can never completely share.

So, I think for now, it's best to leave some things left unsaid. 


  1. Hi my dear!

    I've been thinking about you, fondly, my first guest(s) from Rocky Mtn. Lutheran. I loved the wall color in the art gallery/museum, and the colored bricks in the boots photo. I'm so glad that you are soaking up the culture and the fun of the city. Not sure about the Bradshaw reference, and for the record, not a fan of the dreadlocks. Phew!

    Blessings, my dear!


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